As the AI4AL project partner leading our Engagement kit development and capacity building programme, EGInA hosted an online meeting on 23 July 2025 with some representatives of the organisations that had previously taken part in the capacity building workshops to gather feedback on the current piloting of the Engagement Kit.
This meeting was an occasion to review together the methods and possibilities of using the AI4AL Matching Tool, as well as its connection and interaction with the project’s Wiki scenarios repository.
The meeting also envisaged the exploration of the Wiki, updated with the learning scenarios developed by the educators of the AI4AL project’s piloting partners: Italy (EGInA), Germany (ProArbeit) and Romania (CPIP).
What is a learning scenario?
The learning scenarios developed within the AI4AL project are practical applications of the AI4AL Matching Tool that adult educators applied with learners to assess their competences and guide them in making career-oriented learning choices. Here are a selection of examples:
- An educator used the AI4AL Matching Tool to help learners reflect on their skills and interests, which led to more personalised learning. By looking at the learners’ data, the educator was able to guide a discussion on their personal and professional journeys, using the information to tailor lesson plans.
- Another example application of the tool is the creation of micro-credentials. These can be produced with the help of the AI4AL Matching Tool, extracting information, identifying skills and competences related to the learning process and, of course, facilitating the identification of learners’ needs.
Explore these and all the other learning scenarios in the AI4AL wiki and enlarge the community by creating more!
Our AI4AL self-paced path is still open and free: Join to get an insight on the application of AI technologies to the ALE sector and all AI4AL tools.
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