

AI4AL Multiplier Events in Italy: The present and future of AI for Adult Education

As part of the final phase of the AI4AL project, two final multiplier events were held in Italy to promote and disseminate the project’s results, exploring their future use in the area of adult education.

The first event took place on December 5, 2024, in Rome at CPIA 3 – A Center for Adult Education that supports adults in acquiring new skills, completing their education, or pursuing vocational training – bringing together local educators and adult learners. This event provided an opportunity to present the AI4AL Engagement Kit, the AI4AL Matching Tool, and the AI4AL Self-Paced Training Path.

A strong focus was placed on the practical application of these tools, especially the Matching Tool, which facilitates personalised learning pathways, and the Engagement Kit, which fosters a community of practice around AI in education. Educators and learners engaged in hands-on demonstrations, discussions, and feedback sessions to explore how these resources could be integrated into their daily educational practices.

The second multiplier event was held on January 29, 2025, again in Rome, coinciding with FierIda, the largest national event that attracts adult educators from all over Italy. This occasion allowed for a broader dissemination of AI4AL’s outcomes, reaching a wide audience of professionals in adult education.

Participants had the chance to explore how AI-driven tools can enhance needs assessment, personalised learning experiences, and informed educational planning. The Matching Tool and Engagement Kit, in particular, garnered significant interest due to their potential to revolutionise the way educators connect with learners and tailor educational experiences to individual needs.

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