AI: A New Tool for Personalised Adult Learning

AI: A New Tool for Personalised Adult Learning

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is transforming the education landscape, redefining how we learn and interact with information. Increasingly, corporations and schools are adopting AI in their programmes to provide personalised and flexible learning experiences for adults. One of the most effective ways AI is used in adult education is through the use […]

10 Adult Educators Become AI Ambassadors in AI4AL Training of Tutors in Amsterdam

As part of the AI4AL project’s Work Package 2, project partner SkillLab, with the support of European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), successfully delivered a three-day training of tutors in the Netherlands. From Wednesday 19 to Friday 21 April, 10 adult educators from Belgium, Germany, Italy, Romania and Spain gathered at SkillLab’s new […]

AI4AL collects insights from trainers for the use of AI in Adult Learning

The AI4AL project aims to facilitate a mindful adoption of AI technologies in the Adult Learning and Education (ALE) sector and therefore actively involves adult trainers and educators in the development of its tools and training programmes. The project partners are currently setting up a methodological framework collecting insights from adult trainers with an aim […]

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AI4AL is now a part of the wider debate on the new AI-based tools among the professional networks on LinkedIn. Follow us to learn more about our project activities and the use of AI in the Adult Learning and Education (ALE) sector!

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The AI4AL project is now online! You can learn more about out project, partners and intended results on our new website. Stay updated with the AI4AL project news by subscribing to our newsletter and follow us on LinkedIn!

AI4AL Kick-off meeting in Brussels

The AI4AL project started its exciting journey towards a mindful adoption of AI technologies in the Adult Learning and Education (ALE) sector with its kick-off meeting on 5-6 December in Brussels. The AI4AL Consortium brings together the expertise of seven partners: European Association for the Education of Adults – EAEA (Project coordinator / Belgium), ALL DIGITAL (Belgium), SkillLab […]